In a new opportunity, the Department of Statistics and Trends belonging to the Center for Grocers, Self-Services and Retail Merchants of Córdoba released its Economic and Social Report.

The document, released this Monday, is based on a survey for the month of September of this 2022. The Warehouse Center indicated in the Report that prices increased by 6.8% in that period.

In this way, at an interannual level, the rise reached 81.57% and accumulated inflation rises to 64.31% so far this year. In turn, the projected inflation for all of 2022 is 97%.

According to the details of the report, the item with the highest increase is Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco (11.75%), followed by Equipment and Home Maintenance (10.42%) and Recreation and Culture (9.90%). Then Transport and Fuels is positioned 9.14%; Clothing and Footwear 8.73%; Miscellaneous Goods and Services 8.63%; Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages 6.62%.

Consequently, a family of four needed $135,373.61 to avoid being poor. And in order not to be below the indigence line, a typical family needed $68,524.32.