Euge Quevedo has become a true phenomenon in the quartet world. In recent times the singer has starred in numerous collaborations with other musicians of the same genre. She also shines every night when she goes on stage to sing with the LBC.

However, the artist continues to keep her feet on the ground and understands that the successful moment she is experiencing is thanks to the incredible opportunity that Kesito Pavón and his band gave her. That is why La Muela posted a message on her Instagram account thanking the musician and his colleagues for everything they have given him during this time.

Read also: Euge Quevedo was encouraged to sing two hits by Tini

Euge published a video of the dance that they gave in the Cosquín quartet and together with it he published an emotional message for the LBC. “What a beautiful memory of the entry into the cosquin quartet. Thank you always La Banda de Carlitos and Keso… Always giving me room for these details so that everything continues to be incredible and dreamed of,” wrote Quevedo.