According to the Agricultural Foundation for the Development of Argentina (FADA), the State’s participation in agricultural income this month reached 61.5% for the average soybean, corn, wheat and sunflower crops. This means that for every $100 of income generated by an average hectare, $61.50 goes in taxes, whether national, provincial or municipal.

The same report shows that the weighted average of crops at the national level is 61.5%, the State’s participation in soybeans is 68.4%, corn 53.9%, wheat 50.4% and sunflower 44.8%. %. In addition, it affirms that the participation of the Treasury in agricultural profits was 3.4% lower in June than in March of this year, as a result of the rise in prices and yields.

For every $100 produced by agriculture, the State keeps $61.50 • Channel C

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From the entity they explained that although the percentage participation of taxes in the low income, the amount of taxes in pesos that an average hectare paid between the estimate of March and June increased. In the case of soybeans, the national taxes paid by one hectare go from $74,250 to $89,986, in corn from $45,316 to $54,480, in wheat from $26,209 to $38,069 and in sunflower from $22,306 to $42,693.