The Department of Statistics and Trends of the Center for Grocers, Self-Services and Retail Merchants of Córdoba released the Economic and Social Report regarding March 2022.

The inflation registered last month would be 6.35%, while the projected inflation for all of 2022 is 58.50%, according to the report released this Monday.

The document also specifies the value of the Total Basic Basket for a family of four members, so as not to be below the poverty line, in March it was $94,578.95.

While the value of the Basic Food Basket, in order not to fall below the indigence line, was $46,063.95. That is why Almaceneros maintained that the Basic Food Basket had an increase of 9.73% during March 2022.

Vanesa Ruiz, Manager of the Córdoba Grocers Center, explained in dialogue with Córdoba Noticias how this situation affects families and retailers. She watches the full interview below: