This Monday, Martin Llaryora, governor-elect in the Province of Córdoba, spoke at the Fundación Mediterránea in the framework of an exclusive conversation for members of the institution. The current mayor of the City of Córdoba spoke of what is coming when he takes office at the Civic Center.

In addition to the president of the Mediterranean Foundation, Maria Pia Astoribusinessmen were present Jorge Riba (Sweet), Daniel Giacossa (Piedmontese), Martin Teicher (Elyon) and Luis Lumello (Construction), among others.

At 17, Martin Llaryora opened his speech after the president of the foundation and host of the event, Pia Astorigave him the floor.

“We have to understand that a new project is born,” said Llaryora at the beginning of his participation. “And for that (Javier) Pretto and (Myrian) Prunotto joined.” Immediately afterwards, he continued “we must create a government coalition to build a provincial movement,” added the governor-elect. “We must seek broad consensus to govern. You can always work and improve.”

Regarding the presidential candidacy of Juan SchiarettiLlaryora criticized that “Culture and the media make you believe that we don’t have a chance. But the polls always gave me bad”

He also stressed that he does not want the country to “continue to govern Buenos Aires.”“It is impossible for a head of government from Caba or Amba to solve the problems of the interior”, expressed, highlighting two provincial problems in relation to subsidies: transportation and gas.

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llaryora criticized the proposal from Loredo to transfer 10,000 policemen to the Capital. “Send the police to the Capital? The criminals are begging for him to pass,” he said in front of the businessmen. And he assured that the “most barbaric thing is that they have leaders who endorse the proposal.”

Thereupon, the governor-elect said that “Federal capital it is more a province than a city. In addition to buses, electricity and gas, we we pay them 10 thousand policemen who have. That is a provincial regime and they want to link it as a city regime. I can’t pass the Provincial Police to each mayor!”

drug trafficking

Within the framework of the municipal elections in the city of Córdoba, the current mayor pointed against from Loredo and against the two councilors of Juntos por el Cambio whose relatives are involved in an investigation of drug trafficking.

“When drug trafficking enters, it does not leave… except with a civil war,” he warned in the Mediterranean Foundation talk. “And Together for Change has two candidates on the list of the first 10. They are not theirs ( the causes), but they are a brother and a couple. You have to ask them to get off,” he remarked.

Given what has been said, he insisted on the project that he is promoting in the Municipality: he said that next week he will launch the narco-test. “An official who takes drugs buys from a drug trafficker, he is already close,” he warned.

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