The delivery of the main award that highlights the most important productions of Argentine television was this Sunday at the Hilton Hotel in Buenos Aires and was attended by 650 guests.

The host of the gala, Marley, presented the tribute to Maradona: “We are going to remember the most important Argentine idol of all time. He filled us with happiness on and off the pitch, he made us laugh and cry,” said the presenter, when iconic images began to appear while Valeria Lynch performed her classic song “You give me more every day” and each portrait moved the audience more and more.

When the song finished, the entire audience went crazy and began to chant “Olé olé olé olé, Diego, Diego…”, something that even reached Susana Giménez’s table, the diva did not hesitate for a second to stand up and applaud for the Ten.

Valeria, very moved, expressed her happiness at being invited to sing at the tribute: “A pleasure, when I was invited to this tribute, don’t hesitate a second, so for everything DIego gave us all Argentines, a great pleasure to be with everyone the Argentines here with you”, and then closed “He was the greatest of all”.