The national government will begin to specify from next week the signing of agreements with provinces and municipalities to quickly and massively incorporate all households into the Registry of Access to Energy Subsidies (RASE).

In particular, the most vulnerable sectors will be targeted and the benefit to gas and electricity consumption will be maintained.

Official sources told Télam that on the first day of operation of the registry, 157,000 registered households were reached, out of a universe of 15 million electricity users and nine million natural gas users who are expected to present their sworn statements.

To speed up the progress of this policy of segmentation of energy consumption in the foreseen terms and ensure its arrival in the most vulnerable sectors, the Secretary of Energy will carry out agreements with the provincial and communal governments next week to be able to add the local databases to RASE.

In this way, it is hoped to facilitate the crossing, particularly of those sectors that are part of the social assistance programs of each province and municipality, to ensure that they will maintain the highest level of subsidy provided by the State.


From this Friday, the form is enabled through the platform and in the MiArgentina application, only for those users whose DNI ends in 0, 1 and 2 until July 19; those finished in 3, 4 and 5 will have a deadline between July 20 and 22; and those that culminate on July 6, 7, 8 and 9 between July 23 and 26.