At dawn a new fire alarmed the The Fig treein the department of Axis Cross, It had been active for three days but it restarted again, so firefighters from different barracks in Córdoba worked to contain it.

This was reported by Secretary of Risk and Climate Change of Córdoba, claudio vignettewho indicated that he once again left for the jurisdiction of Soto Villa a hydrant plane.

The provincial official earlier also indicated that the fire was contained and the perimeter stable, but unfortunately, due to the extreme weather conditions, the focus ignited again. vignette indicated that this possibility was latent, that is why the firefighters and special groups were going to stay in the area throughout the day, with the support of a fire hydrant plane.

Due to the great drought, temperatures hovering around 40 degrees and the presence of wind, the risk of fires is extreme in the mountains of Córdoba. In this regard, the provincial official asked citizens to take the necessary measures and maintain care to prevent the start of fire.


To notify about fires in Cordovayou can call 0800-88838346.