He Córdoba Argentina Animal Movement (MACA)launched a petition in change.org, addressed to the Mayor of the City of Córdoba, Martin Llaryorademanding the fulfillment of the promises made in 2020 to end the confinement of animals and move them to sanctuaries or reserves.

In addition, they request the cessation of the works in the so-called “Biodiversity Park”, (former Córdoba zoo). According to the organization, these works are subjecting the animals to noise, overcrowding and unnecessary stress.

In the same statement, BRUISE highlights an alarming unexplained shortage of more than 400 animals and highlights numerous animal deaths in the past year, including baby hippos, primates, sea lions, the Chispilo tapir, the Aimirí zebra, the jaguar María, the Urutungo puma and, recently, the Tango lion.

Faced with these irregularities, they request the collaboration of the public to demand answers and transparency in relation to the state of the animals. For this reason, they created said petition and demand that the Municipality deliver the master plan that details the transfer strategies, as well as a complete list of each animal with relevant information.

The situation inside Biodiversity Park It generates growing concern, since the formal requests to the Municipality and the Ente Bio Córdoba have not been answered satisfactorily. An adequate response to this request is expected, and if not, legal actions will be evaluated to protect the rights of animals.

The signing session for the petition is still open.

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