By decision of the Federal Oral Court No. 7, the former Secretary of Transportation of the Nation, Ricardo Jaime, will be released on March 18 after spending seven years in prison for corruption crimes during the government of Cristina Fernández.

His “immediate release” will take effect “once it has been verified that he does not register an order restricting his freedom.” There are two main reasons for his release: the expiration of the last extension of preventive detention ordered on September 15, 2022 and the aggravation of the state of health, since he suffers from skin cancer. Sources close to the former official’s defense explained that this file, a detachment from the Causa Cuadernos, it was the only cause that kept him in prison and they considered that there are no impediments to their freedom.

It should be remembered that in the middle of last year, Jaime had the opportunity to travel to Córdoba -his province of origin- to accompany his mother who was suffering from a health condition. At that time, it requested that he remain in the Bouwer prison to be close to his family.

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The release ruling was signed by the judges Enrique Mendez Signori and German Castelli, plus the partial dissent of Fernando Canero, who had been inclined to moderate the conditions of confinement by the modality of house arrest.

The court established as obligations to grant release “the defendant’s promise to submit to the procedure and not obstruct the investigation; the obligation to notify any change of address, as well as any circumstance by virtue of which he must be absent from it for more than 48 hours or more than 70 kilometers; the prohibition to leave the country without prior authorization; the delivery of the passport that he may have in his possession and the placement of a GPS monitoring device –Assistance Program for Persons Under Electronic Surveillance-“.