Daniel “The King of the Masses” Martínez works selling pastries and cubanitos with dulce de leche in the Cosquin Festival for 43 years and it is already a classic of the celebration.

The festival character started as a street vendor with a dream to earn a living and ended up becoming one of the stars of Cosquín by gaining experience and recognition.

Artists like Atahualpa Yupanqui, The Troubadours of the North, The White Voices, andAmong others, they were the ones who had the opportunity to try the Cubanitos from Daniel.

Martínez was one of the pioneers in working in the festival and highlights the progress that it has had along with the work that he has been doing for years before they begin to hold clubs and other types of meetings.

Likewise, he told the secret for everyone to try his Cubanitos, highlighting the type of dulce de leche used so that people want to continue trying his product.

“This was born many years ago with a dream, I came with a handful of illusions and a tray only free to join and be a seller and so the years went by”were his words when telling about how he managed to position himself as the character of Cosquín.

Daniel has access and free admission to the festival and can circulate through all sectors of the stage to conquer the public. With his joy, energy and elegance he manages to capture the attention of all the people who are present.

The cubitanero circulates in the festival dressed in a suit and a tray with his products.