The month of July comes with increases in the prices of rentals, prepaid and fuel. But there will also be a update in the price of cigarettes, the fourth increase of the year in this category.

As of Monday, July 3, the Massalin line (Marlboro, Philips Morris, Parliament) will increase its prices and Some tied up could pass the thousand pesos to the public for the first time: a package of Parliament or Lucky Dark would cost $1040 pesos, while the Malboro box would cost $950.

READ MORE:The increases continue: Aguas Cordobesas announced its third increase

In turn, there will be a get on the BAT line, which works with the Camel and Lucky brandsand cheap cigarettes will also be affected by this increase.

The Union of Kiosqueros of the Argentine Republic (UKRA) announced that the increases will be between 10% and 13%. In addition, they ensure that some distributors they stopped selling cigarettes this week due to shortages.

“We are having a problem, which is that before the increase, distributors do not sell to kiosksso it is likely that in the previous days there were no (cigarettes),” said Ernesto Acuña, second vice president of Union of Kiosqueros of the Argentine Republic (UKRA) in radio statements.