Coverage of Nahuel Granja

In the beginning of the Easter, the movement in the fishmongers of Córdoba is exacerbated and the number of consumers grows. This is because Catholic tradition indicates that a sacrifice must be made on Good Friday. In our country, many practitioners associate it with not eating meat during the day. Beyond the creed, the custom of eating fish and shellfish during Holy Week was installed in Latin America and the price update as well.

Before these days we visited Mercado Norte, one of the places most visited by the people of Cordoba to get variety and cheap prices, and we consulted about the sale of these products. Far from the fury of other years, the merchants assure that a great increase in sales has not yet been seen.

As reported, the costs of the most demanded products at this time are as follows: hake filet, the most purchased variety at this time, is priced at $2,000 per kilo. For their part, the tuna tenderloin and the boneless pejerrey -other of the most requested options- also cost $2,000 per kilo. Another highly demanded alternative is the vogue, which sells for $2,800 per kilo. The most economical options for this Holy Week are tarpon, which costs $1,100 per kilo, and cornalitos that sell for $1,000.

The most expensive, meanwhile, are the assorted seafood to make a good paella: the kilo is at $3,700. On the other hand, pink salmon has a value of $11,500 per kilogram. As the merchants clarified, the value of this last product increased by 15% in 10 days.

Coverage of Nahuel Granja