Gabriel Bornoroni, president of the Confederation of Hydrocarbons and Related Trade Entities of the Argentine Republic, spoke on Spich, a program that works under the leadership of Mimi Spicher on Rock & Pop Córdoba FM 87, and referred to his support for the candidacy by Javier Milei.

The president of CECHA stated that he decided to support the leader of the Libertarian Party since the same candidates and political parties always appear in different political positions. “If we do not get involved, the same thing will continue to happen. I think we need people who do not come from politics, we need people who are new to politics and who are not parents, children, cousins, all inside politics” said the businessman.

Also read: Fair Prices: what products will remain frozen until June

“Politicians have a defect, which is that they have not been involved in the daily work that all citizens do and then they do not know how to generate alternatives for that to work. The only thing they know is to impose taxes and issue currency at the national level when it is not enough for them” Bornoroni said.

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